Sand sustains the sea. It has different textures and volumes, depending on the place, but it‘s a constant.
To the women and their families, who promote our work and trust us to accompany them on their path to justice.
To our donors: Arcus Foundation, the Fós Feminista platform, Foundation for a Just Society, Ford Foundation – Mexico and Central American Office, the social responsibility areas of companies such as Merck Sharp & Dohme and Organon, O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, Open Society Foundations, Ríos/Rivers, Sigrid Rausing Trust, Stewart R. Mott Foundation, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, as well as an anonymous donor.
At the same time, our work is made possible because of the generous support from our individual donors, who have decided to join us in the fight for a Mexico in which all women and people with gestational capacity have access to their reproductive rights.
To MacKenzie Scott, who provided us with important support that contributes to our stability and institutional strengthening in the incoming years.
To the General Assembly, whose commitment to women’s human rights gives perspective to our work. Their accompaniment and counseling are essential for us:
Marta Lamas, Gerardo Barroso, Roy Campos, Genaro Lozano, Francisca Pou, Karla Iberia Sánchez, Cecilia Suárez, Roberto Tapia, Gabriela Warkentin and José Woldenberg. We would like to extend special thanks to thank Rodolfo Vázquez, who generously gave us his time and his knowledge for a decade.